Grassroots group tackling the youth vaping crisis

Health Select Committee Presentation
On 27 March 2024, all five Vape-Free Kids NZ co-founders went to Parliament to give an oral submission on the Petition submitted in 2023, and met with the Associate Minister of Health, Casey Costello.
We'll continue to hold the government accountable for the promises they made before the election to crack down on youth vaping.
Watch: Health Select Committee follow up session on 10 Apr 2024
How you can help
Join us
Follow our Facebook page and join our private Facebook group
- Our private group is a safe place for whanāu and educators to come together, share stories, support, and more.
Write to your MP
We need our government to hear our concerns and take action.
Buy Our Merch
Show your support by getting a tshirt or hoodie
- Like donations, every dollar raised after covering production costs will be used for our cause.
Vape retailer flees NZ
Anna Stewart from VFK NZ speaks to Breakfast about a Christchurch retailer who fled NZ ahead of court proceedings for selling vapes to minors.
Vape ads targeting NZ kids
Tammy Downer from VFK NZ speaks to Breakfast about how vape ads target children on social media.
Hastings rally preparation
Sukhdeep Singh speaks to Breakfast ahead of a rally in Hastings calling for tougher action against vaping.
Vaping stand down data
New data show vaping a bigger issue in primary schools that high schools in some regions.
ARFNZ vaping guidelines
Asthma and Respiratory Foundation launch NZ's first guidelines to support rangatahi to quit vaping.
Call for stronger regulations
1 in 5 kiwi kids are vaping daily, principal Vaughan Cauillault calls for better regulations.
Petition presentation
VFK NZ presented over 13,000 signatures in support of our cause to Parliament.
Parakai protest
VFK NZ organises a protest against a new vape store opening next to a school gate in West Auckland.
Affected family speaks out
A family affected by youth vape addiction speaks to The Project about their experience.
Recent News about Vaping
NZ Youth Vaping Facts
Here are some facts and figures from a survey of over 19,000 Year 9 to 13 students in NZ conducted by the Asthma and Respiratory Foundation
- 27% of those surveyed reported vaping in the past week.
- 75% of those vaping, or 20% of total respondents, are vaping daily or several times a day, and the majority are vaping with high nicotine doses.
- Over half of those vaping reported that they were vaping more frequently and at higher nicotine doses compared to the previous year.
- 86% of students who were vaping more than once a day reported that they were addicted to vaping and 57% felt that it was having an adverse effect on their health.
Vaping & Nicotine Facts
- An Asthma & Respiratory Foundation Study found 80% of youth vapers were using vapes containing very high dose nicotine, 24-50mg.
- ESR research has found the nicotine content of vapes sold in NZ to be as high as double what was labelled on the package, as well as nicotine content in vapes marked as nicotine free.
- University of Auckland research has found formaldehyde and heavy metals in vape aerosol, including manganese, copper and chromium. Some of these were found at 100 times more than the limit allowed in drinking water.
- Nicotine is highly addictive and can harm adolescent brain development, which continues into the early to mid-20s.Young people who use vapes may be more likely to smoke cigarettes in the future.
What we want
More meaningful action to curb the growing issue of youth vaping in New Zealand, including but not limited to:
- Implementing plain packaging (black and white) with warnings on all vape products.
- Restricting flavour varieties as well as flavour names.
- A complete ban on cheap non-refillable/disposable vapes, including those with removable batteries.
- Lowering nicotine levels in vapes from 50mg to 20mg, in line with overseas (e.g. California and the EU)
- Make vapes pharmacy only.
- Stronger penalties that include losing a licence on breach of compliance, such as selling to minors, and more resources invested into enforcement officers.
- More investment into supporting schools, communities, parents, and rangatahi for education and vaping cessation.

Get in touch
We are always looking for more volunteers to get involved. If you have any skills that could help support our cause or personal experience of vaping that you could share, please get in touch.